After an intensive second day of Physics Fights, the teams are now resting, visiting Paris. Here is the leaderboard after the four selective Fights:

The detailed results are available on our dedicated website.

Following the IPT rules:
- The French team from
France (Université de Lyon – UCBL – ENS de Lyon) is automatically qualified for the Grande Finale
- The first semifinal will see the teams from
Poland and
Team IPT compete.
- The second semifinal will see the teams from
France (Ecole polytechnique),
Italy and
Ukraine compete.
The semifinals will happen tomorrow morning at 9:00 GMT+2 (Paris Time) and the Grand Finale will happen on Friday morning at 8:30 GMT+2 (Paris Time) (see the schedule). Note that the Finale will be live streamed on our YouTube channel.

Results of the selective Physics Fights